Dr. Adnane Guella

Consultant Nephrologist




Holds a Master degree in Nephrology 

Awarded  French Board in Nephrology from the Faculty of Medicine in Lille, France

Bachelor's degree in Medicine from the Oran University of Medical Sciences, Algeria


Has more than 28 years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic kidney diseases, follow-up and care of dialysis patients as well as preparation, evaluation, and follow-up of kidney transplant patients

His expertise includes also acute dialysis (CRRT) in the intensive care unit, vascular access catheter insertions, and renal biopsy

Has special interest and expertise in all Apheresis techniques (plasmapheresis, cascade filtration, LDL - Apheresis, Red cell apheresis, platelet apheresis, leukapheresis, and photopheresis)

Performed the first LDL-Apheresis (1998) in the Arab World, using Cobe ultracentrifugation machine in two patients with familial hypercholesterolemia and the first red cell apheresis (2004) in a patient with sickle cell crisis

Worked as a Consultant Nephrologist and Head of the Nephrology division of King Fahd Military Medical Complex, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, where Involved in renal transplantation from living and cadaveric donors

Got his initial training in France and was associated with various hospitals in France including Amiens University Hospital, Lille University Hospital, and Roubaix General Hospital

Authored several scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals in the field of nephrology and transplantation and is widely published in medical journals

Reviewer for the American Journal of Kidney Diseases. ٍٍReceived an award from the International Society of Nephrology in Sydney for young first author of a poster


Kidney Diseases

Acute Dialysis

Chronic Dialysis

Kidney Transplantation

