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Spine Surgery
Doctors in spine surgery
Artificial Disc Replacement (ADR) is a surgical method of implanting artificial disk into the spinal column to imitate the functions of a normal disc. It is normally categorized into two types: Total Disc Replacement and Disc Nucleus Replacement.
Cervical disc replacement is a surgical procedure to replace a damaged spinal disc in the neck with an artificial disc implant. Cervical discs perform as shock absorbers between the bones (vertebra) of the neck.
The basic idea behind Fusion Surgery (also known as Spinal Fusion) is to fuse 2 or more vertebrae, to be cured into a single bone. It is done in order to prevent any movement between the combined bones.
Lumbar Micro Discectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure conducted in the lower spine of the patients with a herniated degenerative disc. The treatment is performed with general anesthesia.
Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy is the least invasive method for lumbar disc prolapse. PELD is introduced as a minimal invasive spinal technique for Lumbar Disc Herniation (LDH). It is a secure and efficient technique in lumbar disc prolapse.