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ابحث عن أخصائيي الرعاية الصحية

ابحث عن طبيب باستخدام أحد الإختيارات أدناه‎

Dr. Khaled Abo Khaled

Specialist Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Abdelrhman Khalil

IVF Lab Director

Dr. Tharwat Ramadan

Consultant Urologist

Dr. Mohammed Atif Makdum

Specialist Ophthalmologist and Vitreo Retinal Surgeon - Aeromedical Examiner

Dr. Manzoor Ahmed

Consultant Pediatrician

Dr. Hind Sabah

Specialist Obstetrician and Gynecologist

Dr. Seung Jun Park

Consultant Orthopedics Surgeon

Dr. Awatif Al Bahar

Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology

Dr. Saleh Binshiekhan

Consultant Dermatologist

Dr. Ali Binhammad

Consultant Dermatologist & Venereologist

Dr. Abdulmunheem Kasem Obaideen

Consultant Radiologist and Director of Radiology

Dr. Adnane Guella

Consultant Nephrologist

Prof. Ahmed Abdel Aziz Shorrab

Consultant Anesthesia

Dr. Ahmed Al Zayat

Consultant Rheumatology

Dr. Atef Demian

Consultant Anesthesia

Dr. Khadija Ismail Abdelkarim Al Zarouni

Aeromedical Examiner & Consultant Family Medicine

Dr. Fatma Mostafa

Consultant Dermatology

Dr. Mohamed Adil Ibraheim Ahmed

Consultant Aviation Medicine & Senior Aeromedical Examiner

Dr. Mohamed Seif

Head of Internal Medicine Department, Senior Consultant Cardiologist, Aeromedical Examiner

Dr. Moustafa Ahmed Abouzeid Helal

Consultant Anesthetist

Dr. Naguib Mohamed Hassan Abdel Reheim

Consultant Pediatrician - Pediatric Diabetologist

Dr. Ousama Mahdi

Consultant Interventional Cardiologist

Dr. Qasem Mohammad Alhammouri

Consultant Ophthalmology & Aeromedical Examiner

Dr. Ramy Refaat Georgy Boushra

Consultant Radiologist

Prof. Riyad Bendardaf

Consultant Medical Oncologist

Dr. Suhail Al Amad

Consultant Oral Medicine

Dr. Suzan Ibrahim Noori

Consultant Neurologist

Dr. Ziad Kurdali

Specialist ENT

Prof. Salah Abusnana

Consultant Diabetes and Endocrinology / Head of Department

Dr. Ahmad Munzer Al Waa

Consultant ENT - Aeromedical Examiner