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Speech Therapy
Doctors in speech therapy
Neurological speech disorders are caused due to the defect in the brain’s language capabilities. It is a condition of the brain to be unable to send correct messages for the speech muscles to articulate what the person wants to speak.
Children are treated for Articulation Disorders if they face difficulty in articulating certain sounds and words, past the expected age.
Cleft lip, referred to as orofacial clefts, are the most common birth defects that occur when the baby’s lip does not form completely, leaving a physical gap or split in the lip.
Cleft palate, referred to as orofacial clefts, is a type of birth defect that occurs when the baby’s palate do not form completely, leaving a physical gap or split in the palate.
Cluttering is defined as rapid and/or irregular speech rate, which results in excessive disfluencies, in speech clarity and proficiency. Their listeners have difficulty understanding them.
Dysphasia is a linguistic disorder, which limits the capacity to create and comprehend articulated language. This occurs when the language processing areas of the brain is damaged and cannot operate accordingly.
A fluency disorder triggers troubles with the flow, rhythm, and rate of speech. The true cause of fluency disorder is unknown. It may be genetic or due to stress or anxiety.
Hearing loss is the partial or total loss of hearing in one or both ears. Loss of hearing can be temporary or permanent. Several disorders can affect the hearing in adults as well as children. If left untreated it can have a significant impact on your employment, education, and general well-being.
Resonance disorder occurs due to the disruption in the natural air flow for speech, through the mouth and nasal cavities. This disorder is usually seen in patients with craniofacial anomalies, mostly a history of cleft palate.
Stuttering (also called as stammering) is a speech fluency disorder. Sluttering are of 3 types - Developmental, Neurogenic, and Psychogenic.